The Sun has swept us through the height of summer, depositing us at a cross~quarter time. Solstices and equinoxes are known as quarter days, as they divide the year into four segments. Cross~quarter days fall at the midpoint within these quarters and further refine them. We are now roughly halfway between the Summer Solstice and the Fall Equinox. The ancient Gaelic festival of Lammas was observed on August 1st. Other cultures, such as Japan's Risshลซ festival on August 8th, also mark the first harvest and our progression toward autumn.
As human beings with busy, demanding lives, it is helpful to pause at regular intervals to note where we are on our life trajectory and assess any needed modifications to keep us in harmony with our soul's purpose. Seasonal observances are perfect opportunities for this. We don't, though, only have the cycles of the Sun to guide us. We have the Moon as well.
The New Moon occurs just before sunrise on Sunday, August 4th, affording us another pause point and an ideal time for turning inward. We won't see the Moon because its orbit has placed it directly between Earth and Sun. Her reflected light is invisible to us, as she has turned her face away. Sun in Spanish is sol, a homonym for the English word soul and a clue to the gifts of the New Moon. Metaphorically, the times when the Moon turns toward her Sol are encouragement for us to turn to face our own soul, to listen for its guidance, and to move into better alignment with it. Cultures throughout the world and across the ages have placed value in practices such as this.
The impact of Sun and Moon cycles upon us Earthlings is well~documented. We are affected by the changes in the strength and angle of sunlight, and by the path of the Moon through its waxing and its waning. This next event, though, is solely for the woo~woo inclined.
The Lionsgate Portal opens yearly on July 28th, peaks on August 8th, with its effects felt through August 12th. It marks our own Sun's alignment with the brightest star in the night sky, Sirius, also known as Alpha Canis Majoris, Greater Dog, or simply the Dog Star. It is also known as our spiritual sun, and has figured prominently in both ancient and esoteric faith traditions. When the Sun of our solar system comes into alignment with Sirius, an energetic gateway for spiritual healing, transformation and manifestation is believed to open.
No matter how these three events sit with you, it's hard for even a committed skeptic to argue against the benefit of taking a timeout from the hubbub of summer's busyness to reflect on one's life, determine if it is progressing as intended and, if not, to make needed adjustments. It's human nature to become unbalanced, to not live always in accordance with our values, to be so carried away by the demands of life that we forget what truly matters. Having practices in place can help us stay on track and return more easily when we become derailed. If we can accept the possibility that we could be affected by what goes on in the skies above, then syncing our own efforts and intentions with those greater forces might offer an energetic assist, so to speak.
And we arrive back where this column began. In these dog days of summer, so called because the Dog Star is visible in the east just before dawn, we have a superb opportunity. Poised halfway between Solstice and Equinox, we can make like the Moon, turn toward our own soul, and open ourselves to guidance and renewal. Let's do that now.
Take a few deep breaths, as you come into this moment, just as it is. Feel the rise and fall of chest or belly as the breath moves into and out of your lungs. As you do so, settle into the truth of how things stand in both your outer life and your inner world. Ask yourself any or all of the following questions...
In what ways is my life working well? Am I effectively greeting the challenges presented? What shifts are available to me that might help me better meet those challenges?Am I living in accordance with my values? Am I living wholeheartedly, and being the change I'd like to see in the world? Am I a voice of kindness or am I lending my precious energy to negativity?Is there some new facet of my being that wants now to be expressed? Am I ready to honor that impulse, and if so, what one or two small actions can I commit to that will offer it safe passage into the world.
Sit quietly for a few moments, opening yourself to any additional questions that come. Consider exploring these further through journaling, artwork, or speaking with a trusted companion. Be open to additional insights that may come over the next few hours and days.
One more thing before we say goodbye. The energy of summer naturally lends itself to exuberance, so rejoice in the harvest of all you've accomplished. Give yourself credit for showing up in the world as yourself, doing your very best, and persevering when things get tough.
Thank you for all that you are and all that you do. Blessed be, my friend, blessed be.
Much love,