Monday, February 1, 2021

The Wheel Spins On

The wheel of the year spins on. Days lengthen and the Sun's path across the sky reaches noticeably higher than a few weeks ago. Though winter holds us still, across time and place humans have found various ways to celebrate the seasonal increase in Light. Three speak to me to day.

The Celtic calendar brings us Imbolc, which begins at sunset tonight and last until sundown on Febrary 2nd. Imbolc means "in the belly" and refers to new life that, while still somewhat hidden, promises to emerge fully with the Spring. Pagan psychologist Betz King suggests three questions for this time: 1) How are you nurturing that which grows inside you? 2) As this has historically been a time for spirtual initiations, to what do you commit yourself at this time in your life? 3) How are you resting in preparation for the rush of new growth that will come with the spring.

In the Christian calendar, February 2nd is marked by Candlemas, part of the Feast of the Presenation of Jesus to the Temple. While the latter stems from a Jewish tradition concerning first~born sons, symbolically this ritual speaks of our own path of evolving Love. Christ's jouney can be seen as both history and metaphor. As history, roughtly 6 weeks after his birth, Christ was presented at the Temple. As metaphor, we are encouraged to invite Christ's message of Love into the manger of our hearts at Christmastime, and we are urged now to bring that Love more fully into our communities. While it might still be in its infancy~~and we can assume it likely always will be~~we are encouraged on this Feast Day to present that Love anyway and allow this glorious and imperfect world to help us grow it larger day by day. The celebration of Candlemas simply furthers this through a ceremonial blessing of candles, to act as physical reminders of that greater Light throughout the year to come.

And finally, let us not forget Punxsutawney Phil, the cute little guy who puts the groundhog in Groundhog Day on February 2nd. This celebration marks our recognition that Spring will surely return, it's just a matter of when.

So take yer pick~~spiritual, secular or some combination of the two! There are many ways to mark the turning of winter toward Spring. Or to paraphrase Rumi, there are many ways to kneel and kiss the Sun.

Here are two links for additional information...

More on Imbolc and the rich interplay between Christianity and Earth~based traditions can be found here.

And from Betz King, more on using seasonal holidays for healing and personal growth can be found here.

Blessings of Light to you. May you feel it holding you and filling you to overflowing.


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